Camper in Leadership Training (CILT) is a specialized leadership program for teen campers (grades 10-12) who want to gain valuable leadership skills while serving God and gaining a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ. CILT trains young people for future leadership and service in their churches, camps, and communities. The CILT program provides a unique educational and practical challenge for those campers with leadership potential.
CILT's will attend camp from July 7 - 20, 2024.
All CILTs must be 15 years old or have finished the 9th grade. Applicants must have completed at least one week as a Cedarbrook summer camper unless recommended by the Camp director. Applicants will reflect the Camp's standard of faith in their actions. This program spans two summers as well as two intensive weekend training opportunities. All course content must be completed before graduation from the program.
For further information, download our Qualifications and Guidelines document.
Each Camper in Leadership Training receives unique opportunities to LEARN, LIVE and LEAD. The San Bernardino National Forest is our classroom as we strive to instill each CILT with the Cedarbrook core values. He or she learns these precepts and lives them out in the camp environment, equipped to guide and teach younger campers by their example. (I Timothy 2:2)
To read the full course content, download our Course Content document.
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