Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Cedarbrook Camp Southern California is a Christian outdoor skills camp for boys and girls going into 3rd-12th grades. We have been serving campers for more than 75 years. Our goal is to provide an intentional camp program that includes spiritual formation, skill building, relationships and community, and creation appreciation. We accomplish those goals through a unique camp design that is based in our roots of "Christ in all aspects of life". Whether we are hiking, shooting a bow and arrow, walking to the dining hall, cleaning our cabin or playing a game with our age division, our aim is to point campers to Christ and show them how He is alive and at work all around us all the time.
Cedarbrook Camp Southern California offers a variety of activities, including archery, swimming, canoeing, hiking, arts and crafts, team sports, and more. We offer two activity periods during each camp session, and campers have the ability to pick the activity they will do all week prior to camp.
Our sessions last one week starting Sunday afternoon and ending Saturday morning, we currently offer two - one week sessions and campers can come for both weeks.
Camp Week sessions are open to children going into 3rd grade thru going into 12th grade, typically ages 8 to 18.
Mother Daughter weekend is open for Mothers and daughters age 5 and up.
Women's Retreat is open for anyone woman over the age of 18. We do allow those age 16 or 17 to attend but they must be accompanied with a parent.
Summer Camp sessions range from $400 to $500 per week, depending on when you register and discounts available.
Weekend Retreats range from $150 to $200
To register please visit the event page you wish to attend and complete online registration, which requires setting up an account through our registration platform UltraCamp. Initial deposit of $50.00 must be made online. The balance may be paid online or by check.
We offer a variety of discounts, and often you can receive an early bird discount for registering at least two to three months prior to camp.
All volunteer staff receive a discount for their campers of $75 child.
2024 - Join us at Mother Daughter Weekend or come to our open house and receive at $25 per child discount. (Can be utilized in addition to other discounts).
Cedarbrook Camp Southern California knows that even the best-laid plans may change. We will make every effort to work with you when your plans must change. However, cancellations result in a loss to CCSC due to expenses we have paid on behalf of your camper, such as room, board and supplies. Also, cancellations often deprive other children the opportunity of coming to camp.
The non-refundable deposit is non-transferable. Other registration fees are always transferable, prior to any event, to a previously unregistered guest. To transfer a registration, contact our registrar at
3 weeks before event - all but non-refundable deposit
2 weeks before event - 50% of fee, not including non-refundable deposit
Less than 2 before event - Non-refundable
All cancellation and refund requests must be in writing (email or postal service) and received by CCSC prior to the week of the event.
Mailing Address
PO Box 400610
Hesperia, CA 92340
Camper fees cover lodging for 7 days and 6 nights, 17 meals, activity supplies, camp
t-shirt, trained adult supervision and supplemental insurance.
Campers will enjoy 3 nutritious meals a day, they will have the opportunity to pick skill building activities, and spend the day outside enjoying God's creation.
Safety is a prime concern. There is a health office which parents/guardians and campers will visit on opening day during registration. A Registered Nurse is in camp and available for any arising needs 24 hours a day. We are equipped to give first aid care and administer prescribed medications, with emergency care less than 30 minutes away.
A camp nurse is on duty at all times providing first aid, medication administration, and lots of TLC. You will be contacted by the camp nurse or the director if your child becomes ill or injured to the point where outside medical intervention appears necessary.
Our camp has a camp nurse who dispenses any required medications. Parents will have an opportunity to review any medications and procedures with the camp nurse during check-in.
Food is not allowed in the living quarters. We have found that food in the cabins invites unwanted guests… from insects to rodents or other large wildlife (i.e. ants, skunks, bears). If we keep food out of the cabins we have no problems with these visitors. Please refrain from sending food with your child, or in the mail. Our kitchen staff provides wonderful meals and snacks for our campers, and snacks are often available in the dining hall between meals.
We offer a wide variety of food for every age group. Our camp cooks work with campers who have dietary needs* if the camper will need to be restricted from any foods while at camp, please contact the Camp Director before the camp session to confirm dietary needs and receive a list of available food substitutions and the menu.
A Camp Menu will be available to request one month before camp.
You can also choose to provide your own substitutions (and there is no additional cost for that). All provided substitutions must be something the camper can prepare with a microwave or grab and go items and labeled with the camper name on them.
*A $35 surcharge will be assessed to meet special dietary requirements, not including peanut and/or nut allergies.
Yes, we call it the Tuck Shop. We offer camp t-shirts, small stuffed animals, candy, ice cream and a lot more! During the registration process you have the ability to deposit money into the camp store or you can do so at check-in. Between $25-$50 is more than enough. At the end of the camp session you have multiple options for any leftover monies.
We believe that small group settings are the best for campers. Our cabin groups have a camper to counselor ratio of no more than 10 to 1. Camper to total Camp Staff is often as low as 2 to 1. Activity class sizes are small (8-12) to allow for individual instruction and personal connections with campers.
Campers are grouped into four different age groups.
All campers are assigned lodging and may request one cabin mate. Requests will be taken under consideration of cabin capacity and age/grade. All cabins are grouped by biological sex and grade.
Age groups are as follows:
Pathfinder (those going into 3rd and 4th grades)
Trailblazer (those going into 5th and 6th grades)
Challenger (those going into 7th and 8th grades)
Explorer (those going into 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grades)
Cabins are divided by biological sex, which coincides with our statement of faith that states: "We believe that God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as male or female, and that these two distinct, complementary genders [biological sex] together reflect the image and nature of God." Genesis 1:26-27.
Any other additional requests should be sent to the camp director at
We have a variety of sleeping structures. Campers can be housed in cabins, tents, or dorm.
Campers need to bring their own bedding.
Cell phones and other personal electronic devices are not allowed at camp. We believe that youth today need a break from perpetual electronic connection. Cedarbrook Camp Southern California's program is designed to connect our campers -through all five senses- with the natural world around them and develop meaningful relationship skills, by interacting with campers and staff, while at camp. Electronic devices create a barrier to these important facets of our program. Furthermore, there is no reliable cell service at camp.
Campers will not have access to the telephone or to computers. The telephone is available for emergency purposes only, and there is no internet at camp. They will be encouraged to write you letters, or send an email through our online registration or to our camp director and they will be delivered to them.
We also have a mailbox during registration you can put cards into and we will deliver them throughout the week.
We have established a phone tree. In the event of an emergency in which you need to be contacted the Camp Director will call the designated callers; they will in turn call you with the necessary information. Please do not call the camp, but instead wait for instruction. We need to keep the phone line open for emergency personnel.
We recommend that you make every effort to allow your camper to be at camp from the opening activity to the closing. Assimilation to the cabin group and camp life, and saying goodbyes are most easily done at the same time as the other campers. We can accommodate requests for alternate arrival or departure time, but we would like to know in advance. This gives our staff time to prepare your child and the campers in their cabin, making this transition as smooth as possible. Please email
Camper in Leadership Training (CILT) is a specialized leadership program for teen campers (grades 10-12) who want to gain valuable leadership skills while serving God and gaining a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ. CILT trains young people for future leadership and service in their churches, camps, and communities. The CILT program provides a unique educational and practical challenge for those campers with leadership potential.
We love our volunteer staff and would love to have you join us on staff. Find more information on our Staff Page
Every counselor and staff person is required to participate in staff training. This training is usually scheduled about six weeks before camp starts and is a combination of online training and in person training.
Copyright © 2025 Cedarbrook Camp Southern California - All Rights Reserved.